Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Man some people are annnnoooooyyyying...there's this one woman here that cannot address me even though without a doubt she knows that I speak Japanese. she would ask questions about me when I'm right there!!! a little annoying and the admin. basically human resources on the first floor this one particular lady there talks to me like I'm two....I know I look young but I ain't no toddler, talk to me like I'm conscious. sorry blowing off steam. We're going to a "nomikai" with the second year teachers....a little frightened....the motto "what happens at the enkai, stays at the enkai." I'm bored but I'm planning Septembers lessons...eeerrrr...Oh yea and everyone apparently saw and talked about my application therefore, they know that I went to Soka University.... I always have to wonder when somebody snuffs me if it's because they don't like women or they don't like the Gakkai...........damn it. it's fuckin' scary here. I feel like a Nazi in downtown new york. Oh yea and I bought a $350 yukata...


Jack said...

the weirdest thing ann - up until yesterday, the last post i kept on seeing was your july 24th one. sorry to not comment or contact you, esp around earthquake time. how's the house holding up? how you living? hang in there and enjoy!

Sylvia West said...
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Sylvia West said...

Yeah!! And why are you buying an expensive yukata when you can't even get soy sauce.