Saturday, September 24, 2005

The Reunion Report

Well... I did it. I'm in Tokyo this weekend again... and we just finished our mini reunion. So let me give you the lowdown on the Soka peeps. Kimiko is currently applying for graduate school and apparently she has some kind of essay due on Wed. (it's currently Sunday) she was freakin' out. Kacchan and Yumi works at the HQ and when she talks to Kacchan she says "um... Mr. Kawahara?" Seiji is at SUJ studying Japanese linguistics and wants to be a teacher. He works part time at a bar/restaurant. Yukio teaches little kids how to swim (he's a little cuter now, ask Allie) and when the first Ikea opens in Japan he will be working there. Mayumi and Tsuneko just got accepted to SUJs law school. They'll start in April. Amitesh works for an IT company, and he's working really hard. Mika and Hiroshi work at the Toda Inst. where Mika looks after Americ and Oceana, and Hiroshi looks after Europe. Aya just had her opening ceremony at Waseda Univ. and was told they were there to compete with each other so watch your back. Naomi is of course working for Hitachi, still in training. Sara C. is working for a translation company and she plans to stay in Japan for 5 more freakin' years. Yuta is working at his step-fathers company...I didn't listen after that. Sunny is studying Japanese at SUJ. SuhJin of course is teaching English to little kids and waking up in the morning humming Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Sankichi is working at SUJ...dirty old man. I think that's it. Naoko was the only one I think that couldn't make it. oh yea and I spent $1,000 today at the department stores...I spent it on clothes, bags, and jewlery.


GL said...

Wow! Ann's been busy...and I've been waiting anxiously to read all your blogs...:) It sounds like life is all well with you. Oh yes, there is no real world, it's a lie Adults tell children to make themselves feel more important--since their children are the one's with the interesting lives. It's the same thing as the walking to school in three feet of snow with no shoes uphill both ways. ;) But, I suppose one day we'll be that bad...if we have kids of our own. I mean, look at how we were with our underclassmen..."When I was a freshman, all these dorms were just big piles of dirt..." etc.
;) Glad to hear you're okay, though. And that your wardrobe is still steadily increasing. Shopaholic. :D

.fLoOreDFuN. said...

Ann...seems...quite...busy. I'm practicing for JET.