Tuesday, January 24, 2006

General Hospital

So a little while after I last blogged I was hit by a mean virus which made me throw up at least 15 times, feverish, and delirious. Naoko and Naoko's mom took care of me. Tokyo made me sick. Japan is really weird when it comes to illnesses. I was taken to the hospital by ambulence, which became understandable since I was told its a free service. so they put me on a stretcher. Then when I go to the ER all the nurses and docs were totally bored out of their minds, and then they took a look at me and they gave me the "oh my god stop over reacting" look. Excuse me I may not have a bullet wound but I deserve some... something I don't know. They at least gave me an IV drip. Anyway couldn't eat proper for a few days. Is this gettin' anyone excited?? yea well, I'm in Tokyo at an internet cafe because I'm going to see Jason Mraz in concert!! yea! uhhh...I have nothing else to blog about except that its blimey cold. But snow is kinda cool. I haven't been doing any cool stuff you're suppose to do while abroad. oh yea I'm in love with the starbucks manager at the local mall tee hee.

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