Saturday, July 01, 2006


I've been to Korea yeah-- Ineresting stuff I did worth mentioning? I went to the North Korean border. Which was pretty awesome. They built a new train station on the South Korean side so that a train line connecting Pyongyang and Seoul can go through, but North Korea isn't finished with their side. And...we went down to one of the tunnels that North Korea was digging to get to Seoul. Fortunately, they discovered it before it could get too far in. Kim Jong Il's workers would dig 1m a day. They would blow up parts with dynamite, but since they would hear it above they pretended they were testing dynamites up top. They would explode them simultaneously. Sneaky buggers. Hmmm...what else is worth mentioning? Korean men are mighty attractive. The mandatory two year military service do them goooooood. Oh yea Sammie, heard the news. Dude, most of us don't know how to do that, let alone on computer. I also went to the Seoul Tower... well I went to the Seoul Tower on the famous Nam Sam Cable Car but didn't actually go up the tower. Are any of you guys watching the World Cup? Pretty crazy that England lost to Portugal. I think it's time for another reunion.

Annoyed at myself for being too Emo. Apparently, flowage is the key to life. I just might agree on that.
Good Hunting.

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