Thursday, April 17, 2008

--ditsy seeking machismo--

There should be a dating site where instead of listing your "selling points" people post their shortcomings. Most can agree there's a good side and a bad side to everyone. It's just that when people become attracted to one another they discover a negative quirk that they either can or cannot live with. When choosing to be friends with certain co-workers I find myself unconsciously choosing those that I can deal with their downside the best. Wouldn't it solve a lot of problems? It would minimize undesirable surprises and maximize pleasant surprises. Actually this goes against all human tendencies and innate desire. But I'm sure there's a guy out there that looks like a Zack Morris, doesn't know how to clean up after himself, expects a woman to cook, and loves cars more than anything. Nobody would mention this on; if this comes as a surprise, in the end there would be no matrimony for this man or there would be a foreseeable divorce. Isn't it good to know why in general you're not perfect? If it's acknowledged you're half-way there to solving it (although my shopping habits have been well acknowledged for years). At least it creates a window of communication where absence of recognition means it doesn't exist for that person. If acknowledged, what's annoying to some can be quite charming to others. People change; often times they don't. This site would be for all the unperfect people who are I suppose finished with their youthful flighty romance stage and ready to move on to a lifelong investment of their devotion. But I guess if you don't want kids, you can do whatever the heck you want.

Good Hunting.

1 comment:

maju said...

Yes, I'm all for it. Maybe you should be the first one to start it. Maybe you'll make billions of dollars like the ones who started myspace, mixi, facebook, and etc...