Monday, April 07, 2008

Small Talk

Small talk is just about as comfortable as a pap smear. Like visits to the woman doctor, getting my hair cut is something that has to be done periodically. I dread the questions, and as I emit my awkwardness it tends to unnerve those I'm conversing with. My experience has been that the more money I spend on a haircut, the more likely the stylist can hold their part and my part of the conversation. "Did you just come from work?" here we go... I feel bad at the end of it all, I take a quick glance at my new do and I dash out of there like I have a kid to pick up at daycare. I slam a huge tip and hope it makes up for a graceless thirty minutes or leave a little bit of mystery.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. Although I don't think I could have put it that eloquently.