Monday, June 06, 2005

The Turkey Enforcer

So I frequent Jessica's blog...I don't know it's kinda like the news to me...also its a way to find a link to all my buddies since I still don't know how to do that on my own blog...anyway, I come across the turkey enforcer, oh that's an interesting title ::click:: oh yea it's me...How come I can't comment on Jessica's blog...what was I going to ask...I was going to ask what the number was. I have my second interview for the GAP right after this Gap is located in the Ceasars Palace Forum Shops (it's kinda like the South Coast) so I have to walk by Victoria Secrets, Betsy Johnson, Lucky Brand, ect. almost everyday...can I do it, well let me tell ya'll there was a break through: I tried on a BCBG dress, DKNY shoes, and several Marc Jacobs items and I did not buy a single thing. That's right, I'm cured...well I guess not really; an addict is never cured...I'm starting to suffer from withdrawls: how are ya'll doing? I need updates! Like at least once a week for *&%^ sake. Ok I'll c ya'll later.

1 comment:

Jack said...

Congratulations, miss lady person!! What an opportunity! Knock 'em dead! I'll update soon...