Friday, July 21, 2006

Harvard School of Education

So I'm going up the stairs of the Kiryu Kaikan, fulfilling my once a month obligatory visit to the community center, purposely late so I don't have to listen to the people before sensei yelling at me... I guess I should have come earlier cuz all of the sudden I hear a familiar voice... English even....It was Nathan. It was Nathan the first non-Japanese person that I've ever seen up there before sensei's speech. I came late so I didn't get to hear the first half of his speech, but I jumped right in when he started saying that it is well known in American how stupid the Japanese media is... Maybe I had to be there for the first half to get this. I'm such a bitch I know. Nevertheless its always nice to see a familiar face on TV. I wasn't sure what the reaction of the crowd at the Kaikan was suppose to mean. There was an unsettling rustle of voices go up when he said that. It was either "did he just say Japanese people are stupid?" or "wow. so incredible that he recognizes that even if he's not Japanese!" I'm permanantly, irrevocably changed and molded by this religion. There's no escape.

When you translate what we call him it's "teacher." That's gotta be pretty creepy from an outsiders perspective. We're such a cult. Yea I'm in a dark place right now. For now the philosphy that comforts me the most is something that Lincoln said, "Do good and I feel good, do bad and I feel bad." Why can't it be that simple.

On a brighter note: yeeeeaaaaaahhhh!! Ellie and Jess are coming to Japan. They bought their ticket so I don't have to keep myself on a defensive for dissappointment.

P.S. To be honest, I'm a little sad that I'm not getting any comments on my blog anymore... It's basically been Uyen leaving comments for me all this time, which was definitely a endorphine booster! Next time someone leave a comment so I know at least one person is reading my crap!!


Pilipino Navarro said...

I read your "crap" all the time but you never really blog so I can't really comment. Your blog's part of the regular sites I go to. So keep blogging...

Elizabeth said...

Ok, So I've totally gotten over the cultishness of our wonderful SGI movement, in large part because I read this great book called encountering the Darma. It's written by a non-Buddhist about the SGI and it's very if you can pick it up and read might feel a little less like a cult member. Loves ya...


Jack said...

so where's the harvard school of ed come into play in this post? am i suppose to get it??

know thyself said...

so i saw the thing from the beginning ~ because im the good on who goes on time, hehe jk ;)... and the reaction was a good one. he was referencing all the bad media sgi gets in japan and that people in america understand.

do u know what ur schedule is going to be like when the girls come?

Sylvia West said...

I'm commenting. Wow, Ellie got over the cult-ness. I came home tonight to Garth's ride home who immediately invited me to like 2 meetings a week for the next two months...I'm still with Ann on the cult stuff.