Friday, August 15, 2008


I need to change the title of this blog, every time I see it it looks like an alliteration...

Anyway that's not the point.

From Sept. 29th to Oct. 15 the house in Vegas will be open to all who read this blog (a blanket statement but I'm going with it). The parents will be in Japan so this is the typical set up for a teen 80s sitcom, except better 'cause we're all 21. Actually so far over 21 not even excited about being over 21...

Requirements: A ticket to Vegas.


Sylvia West said...

Your post brought to mind a mini diatribe I heard on the Adam Corolla show awhile back (even though he annoys the heck out of me - Seattle is just a morning show-free zone!). He was saying that "Vegas" is the equivalent of "Frisco" and that the natives hate it. Apparently not.

Locksmith said...

Huh? I don't get it...what are you saying?