Monday, March 07, 2005

Swearing Is Bad

What the Fuck is goin' on 'ere?!!? Mothafucka?? Damn gOn eat that?? Said Tommy to Sally...Sally says no Tommy you can have it if you want to, I don't mind. Tommy says well thanks bitch! That's fuckin' charishable of yer. So Tommy goes at the tasty lookin' fish sandwich like he just stole it from a convenient store...then Sally says 'hey Tommy...why don't you play with the other kids?' Tommy was shocked by this abrupt question "wadjyu say hoe?"..."say that one moe 'gain"...Sally was getting a little nervous, but she was a very nice girl so she politely asked again, 'um..why don't you play with the other kids?' Tommy said, "cuZ I can't stop cussin' ya fuckin' penis!" 'Oh,..ok' says Sally. Now the moral of the story is if you're not nice you'll end up with friends like Sally.

1-lina: Got Rice bitch, Got Rice?

Good HuntIn'

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