Wednesday, June 01, 2005

i got in...

Well, those bastards want me now! Sure, they made me wait like 9months, but I'll forgive them SUUUUURREEEE!! No seriously I thought about not going...but it's a good opportunity...a $36,000 opportunity to be exact...and when am I ever going to be able to do this ever again? I don't know where yet...I hope not too far into the boonies (no offense Allie). So does this mean that you guys will visit me too?? I'm not even sure if you guys are reading this blog...I gotta a comment from Uyen and Andy, YEA!!! I miss you guys too, but I think I'm still in denial...I'm hoping I'll be in denial until the next time I see you again... hehe..



Sylvia West said...

Hey, wow, that's cool. I still think you're going to be...less than enthused after a year has passed, but at least it means you're not moving to CA.

Anonymous said...

um...I guess I'm posting a comment on my own I really seem that enthused?

.fLoOreDFuN. said...

well congrats it's a big step to go to japan. r u not enthused? I dunno how you are going to deal with children...they might run you over: have you seen the kids they have in japan these days?!?! Anyways, congrats, do your best...and well, I read your blog