Friday, November 11, 2005

Longtime no see...

ha.... I'm a shitty person I haven't blogged.... I really want to get internet but phone line is so expensive. Not really liking my blogs lately... getting lazy and can't really make them interesting. Anyway... sameO sameO here. many more months until you guys get here?? Did I say congrats to you all for getting jobs? and Sammy's opting for a career change in Iraq or a hostess in Japan. I got some hooks up for ya sammy if you ever need. I CANT wait to watch Elizabethtown! It just came out today but... I don't have enough money. I have about $200 to last me until the 21st. ok well don't have any interesting to say.


know thyself said...

girl!! where is all your money going? have u been a bad addictive shopper this entire time?!

Sylvia West said...

Isn't it interesting how Ann has no money, whether she's making 30K a year or not working at all. It must be some kind of gift!

.fLoOreDFuN. said...

Hehe. Ann. I'm going to be in kanagawa in December/January. I want to go to honkan, and I'm visiting family in Kanagawa. Come visit! Or maybe we can meet in Tokyo. I'll be there from 26 Dec and I'm staying until 8 Jan.

GL said...

She is alive! Hurray! And I definately think you have a gift for spending money. :D Wait...most girls do. You need a sugar daddy.